Our Team

We know construction


Monica Christenson

Executive Director of Operations/Partner

Marc Grubbs

Executive Project Director / Partner

Our Team

Samantha Gallegos

Senior Account Manager / Director of Accounting

Amanda Grubbs

Executive Administrative Assistant

Drew Sauerwein

Site Inspector

Joseph Grubbs

Senior Account Manager / Site Inspector

We are Hiring!

Open Positions

Account Manager

Pan Western and Company is seeking a Full-Time Account Manager to join our company. It is the role of the Account Manager to oversee 20+ construction projects. This includes reviewing draw materials (budgets, payment applications, change orders, invoices, etc.), communicating and coordinating with all personnel associated with the project, and finding resolutions to any project issues. This position will also be responsible for sending out site visit notices, creating photologs, and ensuring that the clien receives the final report in a timely manner.

be part of our success. join today.

Submit your resume

Thank you for your interest in applying to Pan Western & Company. Please use the form below to submit your contact info and resume. You can also email us your resume at [email protected]